Hydraulic Hot Moulding Press is designed for optimum production of simple and intricate components.
SMC (Sheet Moulding Compound) is made in a special purpose continuous compounding machine. Sheets are cut into pieces and positioned in heated moulds. After the SMC is fed into the heated moulds, hydraulic pressure is applied to cure the thermosetting material. The part is finally ejected.
The term pultrusion combines the words, "pull" and "extrusion". Extrusion is the pushing of material, such as a billet of aluminum, through a shaped die, whereas pultrusion is the pulling of material, such as reinforcement and resin, through a shaping die.
Resin Transfer Molding (RTM) is a low pressure, closed mouldi process which offers a dimensionally accurate and high quality surface finish composite moulding, using liquid thermoset polymers reinforced with various forms of fibrous reinforcements. Typically Epoxy, Vinyl Ester, Polyester or Phenolic resins are used with fiberglass reinforcement. Other reinforcements are used for more demanding applications such as Arimid, Carbon and Synthetic fibers either individually or in combination.
Modern thermoplastics have made great strides in replicating many of the strengths of metals without their drawbacks. Extrusion is a useful technique for the production of continuous profiles.
Injection moulding is a manufacturing process for producing parts from both thermoplastic and thermosetting plastic materials. Material is fed into a heated barrel, plasticised and forced into a mould cavity where it cools and hardens to the configuration of the cavity.
Blow moulding is a manufacturing process by which hollow plastic parts are formed. In general, there are three main types of blow moulding: extrusion blow moulding, injection blow moulding, and stretch blow moulding.